About Us

Our mission is to produce delicious and nutritious, all-natural gourmet dog treats using the finest ingredients from as close to home as possible.

Why?…you ask…

Hi, I’m Carrie, founder of Country Hounds Dog Daycare and Dog Deli. I have 3 dogs who you can read about below and whilst Steven inspired me to start Country Hounds Dog Daycare over 5 years ago, Ellie was the driving force behind the Dog Deli.

She has various allergies and intolerances and in the past has suffered from digestive problems, ear infections, anal gland issues and itchy skin/ hot spots. This led to me researching her diet in great detail and I began cooking and baking tasty treats and toppers to help reduce Ellie’s symptoms and at the same time provide a variety of delicious foods!

I believe that just like us, dogs should follow an ‘everything in moderation’ ethos!  Whether you feed a raw diet, fresh diet, canned diet or kibble, surely our dogs should be able to enjoy some variety in their diet, after all, variety is the spice of life!

At Country Hounds Dog Deli we produce and supply dog treats that are made using natural ingredients all suitable for dogs to consume in moderation.

So why not let your dog indulge in something extra special?

Each and every dog is an individual, some have intolerances or certain conditions where particular foods should be avoided. If you are at all unsure or notice any changes when feeding your dogs new foods then always consult a professional in canine nutrition.

Our Taste Testers!

Steven Beagle


Introducing Steven…7 year old beagle. Loves sniffing, snoozing and do I need to say it…FOOD! Steven is one of lucky ones…he can (and will given the chance) eat anything without any problems! Steven's favourite treat is our Pumpkin Pie & Chia Bites, they’re dairy free, grain free, egg free and super nutritious. Pumpkin is packed full of fibre and is fantastic for a dogs digestion whilst Chia seeds are rich in omega-3, fibre and protein!

Ellie Fox Red Labrador


Ellie is our 6 year old fox red labrador. She loves digging, swimming and of course FOOD! She definitely enjoys the testing phase of our dog treat journey! Ellie suffers from various allergies which initially led to my countless hours of research around dog treats and food. Ellie’s favourite are our Sweet Potato Crisps, they’re dairy free, grain free, egg free and super nutritious with a satisfying crunch.

Dougo Tri-blue merle Border Collie


Dougo is our 2 year old tri blue merle border collie. He loves…toys, running and (there's a pattern here!)…FOOD! Unfortunately Dougo has hip dysplasia but he doesn’t let that get in his way of loving life! Dougo (along with Steven and Ellie) has a varied diet containing lots of superfoods to keep him in tip top condition and help his symptoms whilst keeping him on the trim side to not overload his joints with added stress. Dougo attends physiotherapy and carries out daily conditioning exercises to ensure he is moving correctly and to build his muscles. Therefore good quality treats are of particular importance for him. His favourite treats are our Carrot, Turmeric and Ginger Snaps, they're super nutritous. With the addition of turmeric, cocnut oil and black pepper to assist in supporting his joints.

Our Ingredients

Our ingredients are at the heart of what we do. We aim to grow and rear as many of our ingredients as possible on our own property for our Signature Range of dog treats.

We’re based on a smallholding in Wrexham, North Wales (11 Oaks Farm, see photos) where we rear rare breed Oxford Sandy and Black pigs, raise Burford Brown chickens for eggs and grow as many fruits and vegetables as we can.

Of course there are ingredients that we cannot grow ourselves. For these we have researched extensively to find local suppliers and where this isn’t possible we have scoured the UK only for suppliers.

Some of our suppliers’ ingredients cannot be produced in the UK, but we ensure they are sustainably sourced from fair trade, organic and ethical producers across the world and are grown to UK standards.

More about 11 Oaks

 (our smallholding)

Our Vegetable Patch

We focus on topsoil regeneration, improving the ecosystem, and strengthening the health and vitality of our soil to grow more resilient crops without the use of chemicals.

We grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, some of which are used in our dog treats meaning we know exactly how they were produced.

Oxford Sandy & Black Pigs

The Oxford Sandy and Black is a rare traditional breed of pig. We’re home to 2 breeding sows so that we can do our bit to help bring the Oxford Sandy and Black back from almost extinction just 20 years ago!

Our pigs are grass-fed and have a great life frolicking about outside every day.

Burford Brown & Snowbar Hens

Not only do our hens provide us with fresh eggs daily, they help to improve the quality of our soil. They get to move around our smallholding and enjoy all the delights they can find along way in the fresh grass they eat.

Then there poop goes back into the soil helping to improve it’s condition.

Country Hounds Dog Daycare

Our puppy and dog daycare is also based here!

We opened in September 2019, providing the very best of care, attention and fun for dogs. We welcome up to 10 sociable dogs in any one session allowing us to provide them with the attention they deserve and to structure their day with optimum play, learning and rest.